What is your zodiac sign? Does your personality match your zodiac sign in any way?

Feel free to write your experiences the way you wish. You can use your own ideas, or use the questions below as a guide. In the event you use a question, you should only answer that question. You may also answer several questions in separate entries and allow us to choose the best one for the book. Whatever your preference, only a maximum of 2,000 characters will be published.

Click on the question you wish to answer:

What is your zodiac sign? How would you describe people who were born under this sign?
Do you believe in horoscopes? Why or why not?
When beginning a relationship with someone, do you take their zodiac sign into account?
What coincidence have you experienced after reading your horoscope?
What is the biggest myth about horoscopes?
What publications or web sites related to zodiac signs and horoscopes do you recommend?
Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend with a zodiac sign compatible with yours?
Have you ever had a friend with a zodiac sign compatible with yours?
How are you like or unlike what your zodiac sign predicts?
What would you like to tell people who do not follow their zodiac signs?
Why does modern society speculate on horoscopes so often?
What is something that no one knows about zodiac signs?
I want to tell my story my way.

Your story or anecdote will be published under a pseudonym or your real name followed by your age, city, state or province, and country in parentheses. Example: Martha Belmont (age 44, Pierre, South Dakota). It is your choice to use your name or not. However, for administrative purposes, you will need to give contact information. This information is kept confidential. This information will not be published or shared with anyone under any circumstance, unless you instruct us otherwise in writing. See Participation Requirements for more information.

100 Plus TRUE STORIES: Horoscopes is a book that will be published under the Cambridge BrickHouse Books (CBH Books) label. This book will form part of the 100 Plus TRUE STORIES series. The objective of this series is to collect and share life experiences so that readers may identify with and/or learn from them.

If you have yet to send your experiences to 100 Plus TRUE STORIES: Horoscopes, click here.

© CBH. 100 Plus True Stories is an original idea of Cambridge BrickHouse, Inc.